The TCP Blog

Your resource for pallet & mulch management and information.

warehouse, pallets TC Pallet warehouse, pallets TC Pallet

5 Benefits of Using Pallets in Your Warehouse or Distribution Center

The use of pallets to support and move materials dates back to ancient civilizations, but the modern pallet as we know it today was likely invented in the 1930s or 1940s. The first pallets were made of wood, but today pallets can be made of wood, plastic, or metal, and can be used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation. The use of pallets allows for efficient handling and storage of goods and has played a significant role in the development of modern supply chain and logistics systems. If you don’t think you need pallets in your warehouse or commercial facility, here are 5 ways using pallets can benefit you today.

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Pallets, Pallet Recycling, Recycling TC Pallet Pallets, Pallet Recycling, Recycling TC Pallet

Tri County Pallet is Environmentally Conscious with Our Pallet Recycling Program

Tri County Pallet has a pallet recycling program that can benefit your warehouse, large or small. Overwhelmed at the thought of managing another vendor and trailer to take back your pallets when you’re already loading cardboard and plastics elsewhere? Frustrated that you aren’t implementing eco-friendly practices that align with your company's values? Looking to reduce costs? Our program takes the effort and stress of managing a pallet recycling program off your plate. Here are three reasons why you should be using our pallet recycling program.

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Sell Pallets, Extra Cash, Holiday Cash TC Pallet Sell Pallets, Extra Cash, Holiday Cash TC Pallet

Make Extra Holiday Cash with Our Pallet Jockey Program

After holiday sales, your business will likely have some trash left over. This waste may include used wood or broken pallets damaged during the unloading process.

Many local businesses sell merchandise or products in bulk without realizing that pallet purchasers will buy recycled wooden pallets for cash. Services from a pallet company help facilitate the buying, selling, and transportation processes. 

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Community TC Pallet Community TC Pallet

Fun Ways to Get Involved in Your Community

Here at Tri County Pallet, we love doing everything we can to stay involved in our community. After all, nothing feels better than giving back to your own community when it is in need. Below listed are a few organizations that you can get involved with in the Akron community.

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TC Pallet TC Pallet

Why We Recycle Pallets, and You Should, Too!

Recycling is something that is becoming more and more common as the days, months, and even years go on. Being able to upcycle something into a functioning product that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill is a great motto to have. There are reasons why we recycle pallets, and these can apply to any of your pallets. There is a method behind the madness, and we suggest recycling whenever possible.

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Mulch TC Pallet Mulch TC Pallet

Benefits of Using Mulch

With spring in full swing and summer just around the corner, most of us are going to be spending more time outside– and even at the park, landscaping looks much better with mulch. Using mulch is extremely common and we all know it is beneficial to our gardens and outdoor spaces, but why?

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Pallets, Sell Pallets TC Pallet Pallets, Sell Pallets TC Pallet

Why You Should Sell Your Pallets Locally

After you are done with a pallet, you will most likely be finding yourself looking for ways to get rid of it. There is actually a market for pallets. The best place to look to sell your pallets is locally. Believe it or not, many people around you may be looking for pallets, whether that be for a small craft project or for constructing new furniture.

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Pallets TC Pallet Pallets TC Pallet

why Custom pallet sizing?

Pallets come in many different shapes and sizes, that can be customized, which makes them even more versatile for uses in your businesses and any other endeavors you may have.

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Pallets TC Pallet Pallets TC Pallet

Protecting your pallets in the winter

There are some things we may overlook when the winter season is upon us. This could be the fact that your pallets may get damaged due to the change in weather, and any snow or sleet that may occur. These are some issues that may arise, but can be prevented with caution.

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Pallets TC Pallet Pallets TC Pallet

Winter mulching

It’s getting to be that time of year where we all would love a bright sunny day where we can work in our gardens and be outside, but, unfortunately, that’s not the case. So, what are some reasons you should be mulching in the Winter?

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Pallets TC Pallet Pallets TC Pallet

Repurposing pallets into DIY projects

Wood pallets can be annoying to have laying around taking up space. Little did you know, there are so many ways you can repurpose them! Don’t let the materials go to waste. Here are some options for DIY projects you can do with wood pallets…

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